reasonable rates
- 合理的费率

They are willing to offer loans at reasonable rates of interest and other terms .
Such groups have been dragged down by sentiment towards their home countries and have experienced difficulties securing short-term finance at reasonable rates .
Motorola said : Motorola has licensed its substantial patent portfolio on reasonable rates consistent with those set by others in the industry .
Although skin can be a relatively impermeable barrier , a few drugs have just the right physical and chemical characteristics to cross it at reasonable rates .
Similarly , if creditworthy investors companies with healthy balance sheets or consumers with unblemished credit histories cannot borrow at reasonable rates , this may slow growth .
It would be non-inflationary and would allow Italy and Spain ( and other countries , if necessary ) to refinance their maturing debt at reasonable rates .
Mr gross warns of yields on mortgage bonds rising precipitously if support is withdrawn but the European experience suggests that mortgages at reasonable rates are not merely an American exception .
By 10-year mortgage option value implied : 0.0029 , ie , interest rates should be based on the loan , together with the corresponding option values , it is more conservative and reasonable rates .
Mr Bernanke said that to encourage lenders to finance the US at reasonable rates we do have to persuade them that we are going to be serious about returning to a more balanced fiscal situation .
Aside from funding priorities , there is a wide chasm between those who see union domination of infrastructure as key to ensuring high-paying jobs versus those who want infrastructure built , but at reasonable rates .
Often they cannot get bank financing at reasonable interest rates .
Provide preferential and reasonable freight rates and guaranty clients interest .
The survey suggests emerging economies " can achieve reasonable growth rates this year , even as developed economies are set to contract , " Mr Gomes said .
European banks are finding it harder to refinance their own debts at reasonable interest rates , and funding costs are rising for British banks too .
The leaders have also understood that it is not enough to ensure that governments can finance their debt at reasonable interest rates , they must also do something about the banking system .
Toll rates decided the allocation of highway resources , a reasonable toll rates can guarantee the income for the operators , but also give full play to social benefits of highway .
Third , use some of the planned official support to provide credit enhancements for the new public debt ; use the rest to provide financing for the ongoing deficit at reasonable interest rates .
The researching and simulating results show that the adaptive PID speed controller based on single neuron is more robust and adaptive to motor load changing than conventional PID controller if it has reasonable learning rates .
The evidence is that banks and building societies are refusing to lend at reasonable interest rates unless first-time buyers come up with huge deposits , which are often more than £ 30,000 .
Confidence would gradually return , yields on outstanding bonds would decline , banks would no longer be penalised for owning Italian government bonds and Italy would regain market access at more reasonable interest rates .
The key factor in development is to make the reasonable market-based interest rates besides the favorable policy provided by the government .
The Navier-Stokes equations were solved in the laminar flow region of Re < 10 ~ 4 under reasonable fluid permeation rates through the stationary disk .
Second , the government should design reasonable export tax rebate rates and perfect the structural adjustment of export tax rebate .
The corresponding and reasonable correlations of filling rates derived from the regression of experimental data were in good agreement with the experimental results , and were compared with the flow characteristics of the vertical evaporation section .
The third is from the environmental pollution liability insurance system itself to find a solution , such as setting reasonable deductible and preferential rates to encourage enterprises to increase the risk of environmental pollution prevention awareness and reduce pollutant emissions .